


本協會的前身是馬來西亞人聯誼會(MAROC) ,其功能主要是聯絡在台馬來西亞同鄉好友的聯誼社。但有感於参與者多是工商界人士,才於2011年9月正式註册為NGO。當時的主要發起人有留台僑商、專業人士及外商派駐來台的各行業馬來西亞的高階經理人



馬來西亞商業及工業協會(Malaysian Chamber of Commerce & Industry in Taipei)簡稱Maycham。Maycham是一個在台灣登記的馬來西亞非盈利的商業組織,致力於促進更多馬台兩地投資及貿易的發展,以及經濟與文化的交流。







Maycham集結了多個商業組織 (例如:中華民國商業總會、中華民國工業總會、馬來西亞台商總會、世界華僑協會等同性質组織團體),除了創造更多商機以外,也讓台馬商有更多的機會將創造出的財富回饋於社會,做出更多優質的公益活動,並使年輕人有資源展開自己的才華、使生活遇到重創的社會人士得到重回生活軌道的機會。Maycham相信企業除了考慮公司的經營狀況外,也要考量公司對社會和自然環境所造成的影響。




Malaysian Chamber of Commerce & Industry in Taipei

Malaysian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Taipei (MayCham), established in 2011, is a non-profit and non-partisan business organization dedicated to promoting the development of investment and trade as well as economic, educational and cultural exchange between Malaysia and Taiwan.


  •   Core Values

-        Fostering Malaysian unity in Taiwan for growth, belonging, and impact.

-        Promoting free trade agreement & investment between Taiwan and Malaysia.

-        Providing a business platform for Taiwan and Malaysia corporations.

-        Incubating talents through education, skills, and entrepreneurship for societal excellence.


  •   Mission

MayCham's mission is to empower and unite Malaysians in Taiwan, fostering growth, a sense of belonging, and impactful contributions. Through promoting free trade agreements, facilitating investment, and providing a dynamic business platform, we aim to strengthen bilateral economic ties between Taiwan and Malaysia. Additionally, we are committed to incubating talents through comprehensive education, skill development, and entrepreneurship initiatives to achieve societal excellence.


  •   Networking & Goals

As a well-established leading Malaysian organization in Taiwan, MayCham has already supported and organized numerous highly recognized events and activities over the past years, such as Job Fairs, Malaysian Nights, Malaysia Cultural Day, networking seminars, arts and cultural festivals, youth leadership programs, etc.  Some of them have also become MayCham’s annual major events.


MayCham will continue its efforts, in conjunction with MFTC (Malaysian Friendship and Trade Center), The General Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of China (ROCCOC), Taiwan Chamber of Commerce & Industry in Malaysia (TWCHAM) and several other well-connected and like-minded associations to promote the bilateral trade, investment, tourism, technical and academic cooperation between Malaysia and Taiwan, consolidate the friendship between the two countries and also cultivate and foster Malaysian talents to cope with the prevailing needs in a more positive and aggressive manner.