劉康捷:神通智慧技術進軍大馬 互惠多贏


拿督劉康捷理事長 (左) 與神通蘇亮董事長合影






左起: 徐鈺薇特助、施永強副總、拿督劉康捷、陳原森協理、林書賢專案經理

Datuk James K.C. Lau, President of Malaysian Chamber of Commerce & Industry in Taipei visited MITAC Information Technology Corporation on December 15 to exchange opinions on the New Southbound Policy with MITAC Chairman Liang Su. MITAC Information Technology Group is a leader in automated industrial information technology, and Chairman Su has long been hoping to enter the Malaysian market with the extensive connections of Datuk James K.C. Lau. With MITAC’s technology receiving critical acclaim, Datuk James believes that “smart systems” will be a global trend in the future, and he agreed to help MITAC enter the Southeast Asian market.

Apart from agreeing with Chairman Su’s belief in “starting a brand-new feeling of technology, convenience, and humanity,” Datuk James K.C. Lau emphasized the idea of “Malaysia-Taiwan cooperation for greater benefits.” More importantly, making life more convenient, and creating more value with new technology, is “significant and far-reaching,” added Datuk James.

MITAC has a wide variety of smart products, including Taipei Metro’s automatic gates, Taiwan High Speed Rail’s automatic fare collection system, and Ubike’s parking space sensors. In addition, the “smart library” being gradually implemented in Malaysia is to be highly anticipated.