劉康捷與大馬中小型工業公會訪問團餐敘 盼共同促進馬台兩地商務經貿交流
2015-12-21![]() |
劉康捷 (中間) 與江華強 (左二) 及劉文興 (右二) 等合影
本會理事長拿督劉康捷於12月16日設宴招待來台參訪的馬來西亞中小型工業公會訪問團 (SME Association of Malaysia)。席間劉理事長及 MayCham 理事與 SME 全國總會長江華強先生及其團員們暢談甚歡,氣氛融洽。
Datuk K.C. Lau, President of MayCham, along with MayCham board members hosted a dinner for Mr. Michael Kang , National President of SME Association of Malaysia and the SME delegates on Dec 16th.
Both parties exchanged views on the current economic and financial situation of Malaysia and also conducted constructive discussions on how to promote and contribute towards the development of bilateral trade and investment between Malaysia and Taiwan.