劉康捷與大馬投資發展局總執行長會面 商討推動馬台投資合作
2015-12-10![]() |
本會理事長拿督劉康捷與MIDA總執行長拿督阿茲曼 (右) 會後合影
本會理事長拿督劉康捷於日前在吉隆坡與馬來西亞投資發展局 (MIDA) 總執行長拿督阿茲曼 (Dato' Azman Mahmud) 會面。雙方針對馬台經貿往來、國際投資局勢及國家工商發展等議題有十分建設性的意見交流。
Datuk K.C. Lau, President of MayCham recently met up with Dato' Azman Mahmud, CEO of Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA) in Kuala Lumpur. Both parties discussed extensively about the trade relations between Malaysia and Taiwan, the global investment situation and the economic development of the country.
Dato' Azman Mahmud is concerned about the Taiwanese enterprises’ investments in Malaysia and hopes that, with MayCham’s collaboration, more investment could be further boosted. Datuk Lau concurs with this and will continue to facilitate MayCham as a bridge for various bilateral commercial and industrial exchanges in Taiwan.