2015-11-03![]() |
Mdm. Jamaliah Jamaludin (左三)、Mr. Anwar (左四)、Datuk Dzulkifli (左五)、本會理事長劉康捷(左六)、Ms. Nurullydia (右四)
馬來西亞對外貿易發展機構(MATRADE)總執行長朱基菲里(Datuk Dzulkifli)日前與大馬商業及工業協會(MAYCHAM)理事長劉康捷會面,雙方對於國家經濟發展方向與產業升級,都有許多共同的看法。 此外,並就近日受到關注的「跨太平洋經濟夥伴協定」(TPP) 等議題交換意見,均盼減低對我國經貿帶來的負面衝擊。
這場餐叙交流會官方出席者還包括馬來西亞友誼及貿易中心(MFTC)代理代表安瓦,馬來西亞對外貿易發展機構(MATRADE)駐台處長賈瑪雅, 馬來西亞投資發展局(MIDA)駐台代理處長莉迪雅及本協會理事成員,過程非常融洽且十分具有建設性。
Ybhg. Dato’ Dzuilifli Mahmud, the Group CEO from the KL Headquarters of Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) met up with Mr. James K. C. Lau, the President of MayCham Taipei in a Networking Dinner held on Oct. 31. Both parties extensively exchanged views on the current and future development of the Malaysian economy. They also discussed about the impact of the recently reached “Trans-Pacific Partnership” (TPP) agreement and concurrently hoped that any of its negative effect on the national trade could be minimized.
The function was also attended by Mr. Anwar, the Acting President of Malaysian Friendship and Trade Centre in Taipei (MFTC), Madame Jamaliah Jamaludin, Director of MATRADE Taipei, Ms. Nurullydia, Acting Director of Malaysian Investment Development Authority in Taipei (MIDA) along with the board directors of Maycham Taipei.