
照片左起: 本會理事長劉康捷、大馬國會議員 YB. Datuk Aaron 、 YB. Datuk Marcus、馬來西亞首相對東亞特使拿督斯里張慶信及台玻集團林伯豐董事長








On September 7th, 2015, Mr. James K.C. Lau, the President of Malaysian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Taipei (MayCham) accompanied Malaysian Prime Minister’s Special Envoy to East Asia Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing and his delegation together with the officers from Malaysian Friendship and Trade Center in Taiwan to visit the Chairman of Taiwan Glass Industry (TGI) Group, Mr. Lin Por-Fong, who is also the President of Chinese National Association of Industry and Commerce (CNAIC). 

During the meeting with Chairman Lin, it was broadly touch-based on the changes in the global commercial and financial market, the economic development of South East Asia and also on the possibility of strategic investments of Taiwan Glass Group in Malaysia.  Everyone in the meeting was deeply impressed by TGI Group’s cross-strait and overseas business accomplishments.

Both parties also exchanged views on the prospects of bilateral trade between Malaysia and Taiwan and are looking forward to a further expansion of business collaborations.