拿督楊德勝代表感性告別 祝福馬台友誼長存

馬來西亞駐台代表拿督楊德勝派駐台灣經貿外交任務,將於6月底告一段落,中華民國外交部部長林永樂特於6 月22 日設宴歡送,並讚揚拿督楊德勝這四年半來,為促進台馬關係所作的努力和貢獻,大幅提升雙邊友誼。





劉康捷與外交部林永樂部長(左) 合影


“May friendship between Malaysia and Taiwan last forever”

The trade and diplomatic mission of Representative of Malaysian Friendship and Trade Centre in Taiwan Datuk Yong Teck Shing comes to an end in June 2015.  The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China David Lin hosted a farewell ceremony on June 22nd to honor and commend the tremendous efforts committed by Datuk Yong in successfully enhancing bilateral relations between Malaysia and Taiwan during his four and a half years’ tenure.

The President of Malaysian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Taipei (MayCham) Mr. Jams KC Lau was among the honored guests.  He expressed his admiration and respect towards Datuk Yong for his achievements throughout the years.  Whether it’s the Malaysian-Taiwanese business community, cultural and educational groups, or the Malaysian Students Association in Taiwan (MSAIT), all have benefited from his unreserved support.

Datuk Yong in his usual humble demeanor, displayed immense gratitude to Minister David Lin, the Taiwanese political and business communities and his personal friends for their support in making his job unimpeded.  He promised, regardless of what his position will be in the future, he will always cherish the warm generosity of the people in Taiwan.

He wished for a long lasting friendship between Malaysia and Taiwan, and encouraged all Malaysians in Taiwan to continue their efforts in achieving glory for their country.