劉康捷拜會貿工部長 願助台商赴馬投資
2015-06-05大馬貿工部長拿督斯里慕斯達法 (右) 與本會劉康捷理事長合影
馬來西亞在台商業及工業協會 (MayCham) 理事長劉康捷5月初拜會國際貿易暨工業部長拿督斯里慕斯達法 (Y.B. Dato' Sri Mustapa Mohamed), 雙方就馬台的經濟局勢與前景熱絡交換意見,慕斯達法十分關心大馬企業在台發展的現況,並期許本會能夠繼續扮演「馬台溝通橋樑」的角色,積極地為推動馬台雙方多元的交流與促成更多實質的合作上持續做出貢獻。他也期盼台灣企業踴躍來馬進行投資;劉康捷則承諾將發揮大馬在台組織的溝通橋樑角色,協助招攬台商到馬來西亞投資或合作、促進馬台經貿成長,進而提升大馬經濟蓬勃發展。
The President of the Malaysian Chamber of Commerce in Taipei (MayCham) Mr. James KC Lau met with YB Dato' Sri Mustapa Mohamed, Minister of International Trade and Industry in his office in early May. They discussed earnestly about the economic outlook between Malaysia and Taiwan.
Dato' Sri Mustapa expressed his concerns in the prospects of Malaysian businesses in Taiwan and expects MayCham to continue its crucial role in bolstering multi-level and sustainable economic collaboration between Malaysia and Taiwan.
Dato' Sri Mustapa also looks forward to more active participation from Taiwanese enterprises in Malaysia. MayCham is committed to promoting bilateral trade and will support in soliciting Taiwanese companies to invest in Malaysia to further enhance a more vigorous economic environment.