馬來西亞全國工商總會 (NCCIM, National Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia) 訪問團共22人,此行為參加由中華民國國際經濟合作協會舉辦的「第15屆馬台國際經濟聯席會議」,會議重點著重於資訊及通訊科技產業、電子商務、清真產業 (食品及化妝品) 及綠能產業等領域。
劉康捷19日設宴為同樣來自大馬的工商界領袖和團員「接風」,他也代表在台最具代表性的工商組織 -- 馬來西亞商業及工業協會 (MayCham) 表達祝福,期許「會議順利成功,創造馬台雙贏」。
On April 19th, 2015, the President of the Malaysian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Taipei (MayCham) Mr. James K.C. Lau hosted a dinner for the delegation of National Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (NCCIM). The NCCIM were in Taiwan to attend the 15th Annual Taiwan-Malaysia Joint Economic Conference and both Mr. James K.C. Lau and the Vice President of NCCIM YBhg Dato’ Lim Kok Cheong agreed that more efforts should be made in strengthening business ties between Taiwan and Malaysia in terms of bilateral trade.
The NCCIM delegation of 22 members visited Taiwan to participate in the 15th Annual Taiwan-Malaysia Joint Economic Conference, which was organized by the Chinese International Economic Cooperation Association (CIECA). The primary focus of this conference was the industries of information and communication technology, halal products (with emphasis on food and cosmetics) and green technology.
During the dinner, YBhg Dato’ Lim Kok Cheong, the head of the delegation, presented a plaque to Mr. James K.C. Lau as a token of gratitude. And he also looked forward to both organizations’ working closely with each other in the near future and contributing further towards the nation.