President Update May 2012 


Dear Fellow Maycham members

Good morning.

Since our last regular update, we have made significant progress in rebuilding the Maycham infrastructure. These include adding more fringe benefits to the members’ benefits program, getting your Maycham membership cards established and commenced discussions on alliances with various partners.

    On the benefits program, members now get preferential treatment when enjoying the services offered by local merchants. Amongst others, these include discounted hotel rates when staying at fine establishments such as the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Kaoshiung and retail discount rates when buying Malaysian products from Ramboii-Ever Shine Worldwide. This program will continue to be developed as we encourage members to refer any merchants they feel would benefit them and we continue to rely on your support in choosing to buy from these merchants.


    The membership cards along with the receipts for the subscription fees are now being sent out. It has taken us a little while to source the most economical provider given out relatively small membership base. Now that this partnership has been established, this issue should not repeat itself.

On alliances, we have received several delegations in the past three months. These include Datuk Hamzah (Deputy Minister of Primary Commodities) who led a study delegation to Taiwan and the President of MACPMA (Malaysian Automotive Component Parts Manufacturers). On the same note, Mr Peter Yuan led a delegation to attend the recent International Trade Carshow in Taipei.

  In these forums, the focus has been positioning Malaysia as the gateway for Taiwanese companies looking to access the Asean market (with a population of 500m+ making it the third largest market in Asia after China and India) and for Malaysian companies to leverage on the Economic Cooperative Framework Agreement between Taiwan and China to access the Greater China market

The dialogue shared also extended to how Malaysia can take advantage of the widely dispersed Malaysian diaspora which offers a competitive advantage not many countries have particularly in accessing markets such as China and India. The diaspora includes young talented Malaysians who are currently conducting their tertiary studies in Taiwan who would be available to be recruited back to contribute to Malaysia.

     The discussions have been well received and we are hopeful of being able to share with you additional progress in the next update. This will include an outcome on discussions on establishing alliances with Malaysian based commerce associations in the region including China and Malaysia.

 We will shortly be having our Annual General Meeting and I will share details with you in the next update.
We would also like to take the opportunity to encourage active members to step up to volunteer as Committee Members and/or Directors of Maycham at the AGM. The success of an organization depends very much on the commitment and investment of its constituents. Please feel free to contact any of the present Directors/Supervisors if you are interested.

Yours Sincerely,

Henry Hooi




自從我們上次的報告後,我們在Maycham的內部架構上做了一些調整。這些調整包括了制定 更多的會員福利計劃,例如取得會員卡的標準流程以及對於策劃推動各行業的合作進行了多次的 討論。

在目前的會員福利計劃中,會員可以享受由當地的商家所提供優惠服務。當中包括了住在精 緻的飯店例如高雄的義大皇冠假日飯店(義大世界)得到折扣的房價和從恒暉國際有限公司購買馬 來西亞進口商品時將能得到零售的促銷價格。各位會員可以提出任何會帶給他們福利的商家,並 且持續支持與Maycham合作的這些商家,這樣將有助於把這個計畫推動得更加完善。

會員卡將會隨著您所付的會員費的收據一併寄送給你。由於在處理會員卡上我們花了一點時 間去尋找最經濟實惠的供應商,因此耽誤了各位拿到會員卡的時間,造成任何不便敬請見諒。目 前此體系已經建立完成,將來就不會再重複發生拖延的問題了。

在結盟計畫中,在近三個月來我們收到幾個代表團的委託。這包括了來自於大宗物資商品部 副部長Datuk Hamzah帶領一個研究代表團到台灣和馬來西亞汽車零件製造部門的主席到訪。與此同時 ,Peter Yuan先生也會帶領一個代表團來參加近期在台北舉辦的國際貿易車展。

在這些論壇中,我們把焦點放在馬來西亞已經被定位為台灣公司積極尋找進入東盟市場的通 路(馬來西亞是緊隨在中國和印度,人口高達5億人且居亞洲的第三大市場)以及馬來西亞公司 可利用台灣和中國之間經濟合作協議來進入大中華市場。

在對談中也分享了馬來西亞的其中一項優勢是目前散居世界各地的馬來西亞人所具備的競爭 優勢,這種優勢在其他國家如中國和印度並不常見。這些散居的馬來西亞人也包括了現在在台灣 進行其高等教育研究的人才,日後都有可能回流到祖國為國家貢獻。

這次的討論得到很大的收穫和我們也希望能在下次的報告中分享其他的計畫。下次的報告將 會探討兩地的工商協會(不管是在馬來西亞或是中國)所建立合作方式。

在近期內我們將會舉辦一年一度的會員大會。關於會大我也會在下次的報告中與您分享更多 的細節。我們也藉此機會在會員大會中鼓勵積極的會員自願成為我們理事成員。一個組織之所以 能成功,絕大部份是依靠會員的承諾與時間的投資。如有任何問題歡迎隨時聯繫我們現任的理事 成員。

