Maycham Launch!




2011年9月9日,馬來西亞旅台同學會約30餘人非常榮幸應劉康捷先生邀請,參加了「馬來西亞商業及工業協會(MALAYSIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY IN TAIPEI 簡稱 MAYCHAM)」開幕典禮,並同時慶祝馬來西亞獨立54週年。

馬來西亞商業及工業協會(MAYCHAM)第一任會長是許興利先生、副會長是劉康捷先生、常務監事是潘健成先生。這次MAYCHAM的開幕典禮舉辦得非常成功,超過120人數參與出席。這次的活動也標榜著馬來西亞在台社群由「馬僑協會(MAROC)」成功的轉型為「馬來西亞商業及工業協會(MAYCHAM)」, 並重新出發。







以下為Maycham會長Henry Hooi的致詞:





為了使Maycham達成這些目標,我們需要你們的支持。我謹代表Maycham及其董事會,熱烈邀請你和你的同事和朋友參與成為企業或個人會員。我的同事,Elizabeth Lim會為您提供相關的訊息(但不限於Maycham)包括參與會員程序,以及團體會員能獲得的相關優惠和服務折扣等。


賈森田資訊長,伊麗莎白林秘書長,Lock Swee Peng前馬僑協會會長,以及




Honorable Datuk Yong, distinguished guests, fellow Malaysians and friends,

Good afternoon and I would like to welcome you to this afternoon’s lunch to celebrate the 54th anniversary of Malaysia’s Independence. Today’s event has a special significant as it also marks the renaming of the previous entity, MAROC to Malaysian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Taiwan (Maycham).

In short, the Malaysian Chamber of Commerce in Taipei is set up to promote bilateral trade and investments flows between Taiwan and Malaysia. There are considerable similarities between the two countries, populations of broadly the same size, export dependency, a population that is entrepreneurial and hardworking, and both are members of the APEC community. Given Malaysia's geographical location in the centre of ASEAN, it is well positioned to act as a gateway to ASEAN, a market of more than 500mn people. 

As a secondary objective, the Chamber serves as a platform facilitating businesses to lobby for support from the Malaysian and Taiwanese governments and to provide support to the 6,000+ Malaysian students studying in Taiwan. Given the absence of diplomatic links between the two countries, Maycham has an important role to play to plug the gap and to help in developing stronger bilateral ties between the two countries.

In order to enable Maycham to fulfill its promise, we will need your support. On behalf of Maycham and its board of directors, I would like to extend a warm invitation to all of you and your associates and friends to sign up as a corporate or individual member. My colleague, Elizabeth Lim is on hand to provide you with information on Maycham and the joining procedures as well as some of the benefits of membership including discounts on a variety of services provided by our corporate members and others.

The afternoon would not be possible without the support from our Corporate sponsors. I would like to acknowledge the contributions of our anchor sponsor, Nyonya Imperial who has generously put up this venue and the fine Nyonya cuisine for us to savour this afternoon, Rainboii for providing the corporate gift bags containing Malaysian produced products including Spritzer bottled water and Tongkat Ali coffee, gift coupons for a spa services from JVV, and a host of other sponsors who have generously donated their time and effort to making this lunch an eventful afternoon.

Briefly, I would like to introduce to a few key Members of the Exco namely, Vice President, James Lau who is also the President for Logfret, the Governing supervisor, Mr. KS Pua, the President of Phison, Elizabeth Lim, Secretary General of Maycham and Mr. Lock Swee Peng, the immediate past President of MAROC.

Without further ado, I would now like to welcome the President of MFTC, Datuk Yong Tech Shing to the podium to say a few words.